“The Ultimate Case Guide: How to Successfully Teach & Write Case Studies”
We have been teaching colleagues from around the world how to teach case studies and write case studies in workshops for The Case Centre. Now, we decided to compile our literature review, our own experiences, and the collective wisdom of our case method workshop participants into a comprehensive guide.
About the book(s)
Next to our textbook-style book, we publish two workbooks – one for teaching with cases and one for writing your own case studies for teaching purposes. Both workbooks are structured along processes that are described in detail in the textbook.

Get your copy of “The Ultimate Case Guide” Book(s)
Case teaching workbok
Case writing workbook
What does the textbook cover?
The case method in the spotlight
The first chapter of the book provides general background about the case study method – its history, purpose, benefits, and potential problems. We then discuss what makes a good case and provide an overview of the most common types of case studies for educational purposes.
Teaching a case-based course
Based on our eight-step case teaching process, this chapter guides the readers through the key steps of teaching one single case-based session – from choosing a session and case to developing a teaching plan, preparing a session, opening the case discussion, running the session, bringing it to a closure, and to closure and transfer.
Teaching a case-based session
Designing an entire course with multiple sessions with several case-based sessions requires several additional considerations that we discuss in the third main chapter of the book. Amongst other topics we cover course design, learning contract, familiarizing students with the case study method, grading and ethical considerations.
Writing great case studies
The fourth and final chapter of the book helps our readers to write engaging case studies for higher education. Using our nine-step case development funnel, we support you in the identification of education needs and leads, the main strategic decisions, to drafting and test-using your case and teaching note. We close by discussing important topics such as getting case release, publishing and promoting your case study.